The refugees gathered in crowds today early morning for a march sounding alarms with spoken words and banners denouncing the killings targeting Tutsi communities in DRC and calling for the end of silence of the country and international community.
It has been few days since the United Nations (UN) warned of Genocide against Tutsis forming a community of Kinyarwanda-speaking people in DRC.
The UN raised the alarm following hate speeches and violence against Kinyarwanda-speaking people.
The situation exacerbated after M23 rebel group resumed fighting with Congolese Army (FARDC) over the country’s failure to implement peace accords signed in 2013.
Rwandophones make up 5% of the entire Congolese population. They mainly reside in eastern Congo in South and North Kivu provinces.
History shows that these citizens found themselves in DRC following border delimitations set out in Berlin Conference held in 1884 to discuss the partitioning of Africa.
Rwanda accommodates over 75,000 Congolese refugees of whom the majority has lived in the country for more than 25 years.

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