The meeting held at the Regional Centre of Excellence on GBV and Child Abuse in Kacyiru, brought together Rwanda National Police (RNP), Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), UN agencies, Action Aid and Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security.
While opening the one-day consultative meeting, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Teddy Ruyenzi said that stakeholders came together to strengthen the Regional Centre of Excellence through a multi-sectoral collaboration framework in the implementation of the centre’s strategic plan.
“The Centre is not a new phenomenon because you have been with the RNP from the beginning of this journey to end GBV and child abuse. We have joined hands in different campaigns and awareness programmes. Together, we can do more especially in availing expertise and other support in the implementation of planned activities,” ACP Ruyenzi said.
The Regional Centre of Excellence launched in 2016, is a product of Kigali International Conference Declaration (KICD) in response to the global UNiTE campaign to end violence against women and girls.
It is mandated to conduct research, build capacity of security organs and civilian personnel, promote regional initiatives and share good practices on ending GBV and child abuse.
It acts as a national and international knowledge hub on sexual and gender based violence issues.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Gorret Mwenzangu, the executive director for the Regional Centre of Excellence said that the centre established research facilities and research capabilities; training and skills management; established a knowledge management center, including library; as well as coordination of the KICD activities such as Field Training Exercise (FTX) and Command Post Exercise (CPX).

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