Kwizera Emelyne among seven arrested for allegedly recording and sharing explicit videos

On 20 January 2025 at 04:33

Seven individuals, including Kwizera Emelyne, also known as ’Ishanga,’ who were part of a WhatsApp group called ’Rich Gang,’ have been arrested for allegedly recording and sharing explicit videos of themselves engaging in sexual activity.

The group consists of six females and three males, and the arrests took place on January 17, 2025, as confirmed by Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) spokesperson, Dr. Murangira B. Thierry.

"We have identified nine individuals, including six girls and three boys, who appear in videos circulating on social media showing them engaging in sexual acts. They are under investigation for crimes including drug use, public distribution of obscene material, and engaging in public indecency," Dr. Murangira stated.

The individuals, aged between 20 and 28, were part of the "Rich Gang" group, where they distributed the explicit videos.

The group includes Ishimwe Patrick, Uwineza Nelly Sany, Gihozo Pascaline, Kwizera Emelyne, Uwase Sariha, Uwase Belyse, Shakira Uwase, Rucyahana David, and Banza Julien.

Emelyne has been trending on social media in recent days after an alleged explicit video of her went viral.

Seven have been arrested, while two are being investigated without detention. They are being held at various RIB stations in Kicukiro, Gikondo, Remera, Kacyiru, and Kimironko as their cases are processed for submission to the Public Prosecution.

The individuals are said to have recorded videos of themselves engaging in sexual acts and shared them with others in exchange for money.

Upon arrest, it was revealed that some of them were using drugs, with several testing positive for cannabis. The levels ranged from 55 to 275, far above the normal range of 0-20.

RIB urges young people to understand that social media platforms should not be used to share obscene content or engage in criminal activities.

Dr. Murangira emphasized, "Recently, some individuals have been creating WhatsApp groups to spread explicit videos. We urge them to stop because such acts are punishable by law, and all social media platforms are considered public spaces."

IGIHE has learned that similar activities are happening in other groups, such as "Kigali VP HOOKS-UPS," "VIP Online Sex," "House Party Show," and others.

RIB’s preliminary investigation reveals that some individuals have turned the distribution of explicit videos into a business.

Dr. Murangira further stated, "These activities must stop because no one will be able to claim their photos were leaked if it involves connivance."

The investigation also uncovered that some individuals, including both men and women, encourage others to share explicit content in exchange for large sums of money.

Some even offer phone numbers and invite others to DM them for such content, which constitutes premeditated criminal activity and is punishable by law.

While attending the 30th National Prayer Breakfast, President Paul Kagame emphasized the importance of moral upbringing.

He condemned indecent dressing and stressed that no family or religion advocates for it.

“I observe trends on social media, where young people roam the streets dressed inappropriately, practically naked. What exactly does someone who dresses like that hope to showcase? There is no religion that encourages nudity, nor is there any family that promotes it. But this nudity is not just physical; it also reflects emptiness in the mind, which is the real issue," the Head of State remarked.

“How can we, as a society, allow such behaviour? As leaders, what responsibilities are we fulfilling if we tolerate such actions? Are we supposed to clothe Rwandans in indecency?”

The crime of distributing explicit content via computers or networks could result in imprisonment for three to five years, along with a fine between one million and three million Rwandan Francs.

Convictions for drug use or pharmaceutical abuse may lead to one to two years of imprisonment or community service.

Eavesdropping, recording, or broadcasting private conversations could lead to imprisonment for six months to one year.

Meanwhile, distributing obscene content via technological means may result in imprisonment for six months to two years.

Kwizera Emelyne among seven arrested for allegedly recording and sharing explicit videos
Gihozo Pascaline is one of the seven individuals arrested after appearing in explicit videos that have been circulating widely on social media.
Ishimwe Patrick alias Bezos created the 'Rich Gang' Whatsapp group
Uwineza Nelly Sany was also arrested inn connectionn with circulated explicit videos
Uwase Shakira has been also arrested in connection with appearance in explicit videos.
Uwase Belyse is also among those arrested after circulating explicit videos of themselves.
Uwase Salha has been also arrested.


