Minister Mukeshimana hails contribution of women coffee farmers to national development

On 4 October 2022 at 11:31

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Dr. Gerardine Mukeshimana has commended women involved in coffee farming for their contribution to national development through their collaboration with Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SG-R).

Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SG-R) is a local non-profit. The organization is offering training to low-income female coffee farmers to improve their livelihood.

SG-R equips the female farmers with mulching and timely application of fertilizers and pesticides.

On 1st October 2022, SG-R joined the rest of the world to celebrate the International Coffee Day held at Question Coffee in Kiyovu Cell, Nyarugenge District.

The ceremony brought together stakeholders in the agribusiness sector, from across the continent and beyond as well as women growing coffee across the country.

Some of women growing coffee attest that they have been equipped with best farming techniques that have helped them improve quality, thanks to trainings offered by Sustainable Growers Rwanda.

Esther Mukangango from Rusenge Sector, Nyaruguru District is a member of Nyampinga Cooperative. She explained that livelihoods have improved remarkably following trainings offered by Sustainable Growers Rwanda.

“Our cooperative had ambitions to grow faster but could not materialize due to limited resources. The situation had not improved until Sustainable Growers Rwanda intervened and trained us on best coffee farming techniques that we have attained considerable progress,” she said.

Mukangango has revealed that Nyampinga’s coffee is currently supplied to different countries worldwide.

Dative Mukasine, the president of Gashonga Coffee Cooperative in Rusizi District said that Sustainable Growers has inspired them to drink coffee.

Sustainable Growers started operations in Rwanda in 2013. It has so far offered trainings to over 50,000 coffee farmers in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Tanzania.

They were equipped with techniques for best farming, processing and commercialization of their produce.

The Executive Director of Sustainable Growers Rwanda, Christine Condo said that the organization is committed to working with all partners to achieve development goals together through empowering women to play an active role in improving their families’ wellbeing and contribute to national economy at large.

Minister Mukeshimana commended the organization and farmers for their contribution to national development through coffee farming.

“Rwanda is among countries that gained repute for producing quality coffee. I thank this organization for continued efforts to uplift women in development,” she said.

Dr. Mukeshimana also revealed that Rwanda makes possible efforts to increase unit price gradually to improve farmers’ living standards.

The official also told participants that coffee is among commodities generating huge returns from exports.

Last week, Rwanda exported 434 tons of coffee which generated US$3,314,427. The main destinations for Rwanda’s coffee last week include Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand.

Sustainable Growers works with six coffee farming cooperatives from different districts including; Nyampinga from Nyaruguru, Gashonga from Rusizi, KOAKAA from Nyamasheke, Twongere Umusaruro wa Kawa from Kayonza, Mayogi from Gicumbi and Abahingakawa from Gakenke District.

The ceremony brought together stakeholders in the agribusiness sector, from across the continent and beyond as well as women growing coffee across the country.
The celebration took place at Question Coffee.
Minister Mukeshimana also joined participants to paint coffee trees as Rwanda marked the International Coffee Day.
Mukangango painting a coffee tree at the event.
Minister Mukeshimana addressing participants of the International Coffee Day.


