NEC announces Senatorial election provisional results

On 17 September 2024 at 09:26

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has announced the 12 candidates who won seats in the Senate of Rwanda, with the majority having served in the previous term.

The elections were held on Monday, September 16, 2024. As per results revealed by NEC, the electoral college elected 12 senators out of the 28 asipirants.

According to the Presidential Decree, 12 senators are elected by specific governance bodies across different regions of the country.

Two senators are selected from the Northern Province, three from the Southern Province, three from the Eastern Province elects, three from the Western Province and one from Kigali City.

NEC announced that the elected senators from the Northern Province are Dr. Laetitia Nyinawamwiza who got 73.00% of the vote and Amandin Rugira who garnered 62.61%.

In the Southern Province, the elected senators are Adrie Umuhire (70.42%), Pélagie Uwera (62.91%) and Sosthene Cyitatire who got 61.74%.

In the Eastern Province, the winners are John Bonds Bideri with 80.46%, Fulgence Nsengiyumva (68.53%) and Alvera Mukabaramba who got 76.40%.

In the Western Province, the elected senators are Emmanuel Havugimana with 69.45%, Marie Rose Mureshyankwano with 74.67%, and Cyprien Niyomugabo with 67.88%.

In Kigali City, Espérance Nyirasafari, the outgoing Vice President of the Senate, was elected with 55.26% of the vote.

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, two additional senators will be elected from public and private higher education institutions.

Among the 12 elected senators, only two are newcomers: Amandin Rugira, who previously served as Rwanda’s Ambassador to different countries including Belgium and Zambia, and Sosthene Cyitatire, who was previously the Secretary-General of the Senate of Rwanda.

Although Cyitatire is a new senator, he has prior experience as the Senate’s coordinator, secretary, and clerk overseeing its daily operations.

In addition to the 12 elected senators from the provinces and Kigali City, eight more senators will be appointed by the President of the Republic, and four by the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations.

The provisional election results are announced by the President of NEC or an authorized delegate, within five days of the election. Anyone who is dissatisfied with the results can appeal to the Supreme Court within 48 hours of the provisional results being announced. If the appeal is dismissed, the NEC’s provisional results are upheld.

The final results of the election are announced within seven days of the provisional results. If there is an appeal to the Supreme Court, the final results are delayed until the court reaches a decision.

In the senatorial elections held through governance bodies, the winning candidates are those with the most votes, based on the required number of seats for each voting area.

Nyirasafari Esperancehas been serving as the Vice President of Rwanda's Senate.
Amb. Amandin Rugira has been elected to join Rwanda's Senate.
Sosthene Cyitatire has been elected to represent Southern Province.
Bideri John Bonds has been elected again.
Havugimana is also amongg winners of senatorial seats.
Uwera Pelagie is among elected senators.
Niyomugabo Cyprien is among re-elected senators.
Mureshyankwano Marie Rose is among 12 elected senators.
Nsengiyumva Fulgence is among elected senators.
Mukabaramba Alvera also served in the senate before her renewed term.
Umuhire Adrie yis smaong selected representatives from Southern Province.


