Emmanuel Mutabazi, 27, was arrested with the counterfeits on Thursday, September 1, in Isovu Village, Gafunzo Cell, Sake Sector.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Hamdun Twizeyimana, the Police spokesperson for the Eastern Province, said that Mutabazi was apprehended after the would-be victim, a businesswoman in Isovu trading centre, called the Police.
"Mutabazi bought biscuits at a shop in Isovu trading centre but paid a fake note of Frw1,000. Luckily, the shop attendant noticed that the bill was fake, she called the Police.
Police officers intercepted Mutabazi at the scene, searched him and recovered other counterfeit cash amounting to Rwf245,000, including 88 bills in the denominations of Rwf1,000 and 79 bills of Rwf2,000,” said SP Twizeyimana.
He was handed over to RIB at Sake station for further investigations.
SP Twizeyimana thanked the trader for the vigilance and swift action to call the Police.
Article 269 of law No 68/2018 determining offenses and penalties in general, states that any person, who fraudulently counterfeits, falsifies or alters coins or bank notes which are legal tender in Rwanda or abroad, notes issued by the Treasury with its stamp or brand, either banknotes or alike that have legal tender in Rwanda or abroad, or one who introduces or issues in Rwanda such effects or notes with knowledge that they are forged or falsified, commits an offence.
Upon conviction, he/she is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than seven years.
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