Accprding to the Ministry of Defence, two thousand people have been treated and the exercise is expected to continue in the future.
The services provided included Orthopedics, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, ENT (ear, nose and throat), Pediatrics, Dental and Clinical Psychology.
Lt Col Dr John Bukuru said the exercise was successful and was important in this area where many people make long distances to reach the health care services, which is a challenge for them to access medical treatment. He recommended that frequent medical outreaches of this kind are always a solution.
Ibrahim Nshizirungu, the Head of Ngeruka Health Centre thanked RDF and US medical personnel for a great partnership that allowed medical specialists to treat people at the health centre level.
He said that people got the required medical services, emphasizing that as a medicalised centre of Ngeruka, with now a medical doctor visiting on weekly basis, they shall continue to receive people coming to seek specialised medical services in collaboration with Nyamata District Hospital and Rwanda Military Hospital as the higher referral hospital.

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