In an official notice issued on August 1, 2024, RSSB confirmed that salaried mothers will continue to receive full pay during their maternity leave.
According to the new law, employers are responsible for the salary for the initial six weeks of maternity leave, with RSSB providing benefits for the remaining eight weeks.
“Rwanda Social Security Board is pleased to inform all employers and employees of the adoption of Law No. 049/2024 dated 04/06/2024, which amends Law No. 003/2016 dated 30/03/2016 establishing and governing the maternity leave benefits scheme,” the notice stated.
The notice also detailed the reimbursement process for employers, emphasizing that the employer will cover the maternity leave benefits for the full fourteen weeks and subsequently claim reimbursement from RSSB for the eight weeks.
The deadline for reimbursement claims has been extended from three months to six months following the completion of maternity leave.
RSSB advised employers who have granted the 14-week maternity leave to submit their reimbursement claims with the necessary supporting documents.
These documents should include a letter or certificate confirming the maternity leave granted and pay slips related to the fourteen weeks of maternity leave.
The extension aligns Rwanda’s maternity leave policy with the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) recommendations.
The policy change follows advocacy from lobby groups and Members of Parliament, who argued that the previous 12-week leave was inadequate for mothers to properly care for their newborns. The extension to 14 weeks is seen as a step towards supporting working mothers more effectively.
Former Minister of Public Services and Labour, Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa, had expressed support for a six-month maternity leave during a Parliamentary session on March 21, 2023, noting that such an extension would require significant adjustments to the social security system and budget.
The new 14-week maternity leave policy is part of Rwanda’s ongoing efforts to enhance social security and support for working mothers, providing them with additional time to bond with and care for their newborns during the crucial early months.

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