Meet Nukwami, an artist showcasing Rwanda’s culture and history in Italy

On 15 July 2022 at 01:01

Christian Krüger alias Nukwami is among hundreds of artists attending Triennale Milano International Exhibition in Italy. He is showcasing paintings which he created drawing inspiration from his journey to reconnect to his roots as Rwandan with origin from Germany.

The international art exhibition in northern Italy has brought together 40 countries including six African countries.

Nukwami is the artist with Rwandan roots sent by the Ministry of Youth and Culture.

His has different paintings depicting Rwanda’s culture and history and the artist’s journey to reconnect to his Rwandan roots.

His paintings bear different names including Agaciro (self-dignity), Amahoro (peace), Ubumuntu (humanity), Ibimanuka featuring aspects of Rwanda’s traditional religion and Kumenya which is about the transmission of knowledge from one person to another among others.

Speaking to IGIHE, Nukwami said that he discovered his identity as a child born to the couple of a Rwandan and German nationals.

As he says, the paintings keep him familiar with the culture and history as a Rwandan who spent long time abroad without reconnecting to his roots.

According to Nukwami, Agaciro was based on a research on self-dignity as the base of Rwandans’ values to build the nation.

He also painted Intore drawing an inspiration from research on what the classic warrior is.

Nukwami revealed that he got chance to return to Rwanda where he conducted research on Rwandan culture and individual research to discover his identity.

“These different paintings give me a doorway to my Rwandan culture,” he noted.

Ibigabiro is also another painting of Nukwami being showcased in the northern Italy.

It is a tree that would be planted at former King’s palace or his tomb.

He revealed that the tree has more implications of a legacy to be passed to future generations. Nukwami said that Ibigabiro helped him deeply understand Rwanda’s history.

He further revealed that his painting ‘Amahoro’ reflects how issues of global concern including refugees and asylum seekers and wars among others can be addressed if people work together. It also alludes to Rwanda’s home grown solutions to reach commendable progress despite the dark past the country endured.

Nukwami has highlighted that his artistic journey is mostly focused on sharing experiences and his memories.

Rwanda’s ambassador to Germany, Igor César is among dignitaries who attended Triennale Milano International Exhibition.

He commended Nukwami’s artworks and their implications reflecting his journey to reconnect to his Rwandan roots.

“This exhibition is held under a theme revolving around discovering new things. The ministry attached great relevance to paintings of Nukwami because they reflect our roots as Rwandans through images linking us to our traditional roots,” Igor said.

“The colonial history deprived Rwandans of many things including Rwandan identity. This expo depicts such reconnection to one’s roots and efforts to discover our identities. This artist has German and Rwandan roots. He conducted research to know his Rwandan identity. It is something that he seemed to lack to be complete,” he added.

Amb. Igor César has disclosed that Rwanda’s history and culture will continue to be showcased throughout five months of the international exhibition taking place in Italy.

The exhibition is open to public from 15th July to 11th December 2022. It is an opportunity to present issues of global concern, showcase culture, history and people’s lifestyle through arts.

Amb. Igor has encouraged Rwandans living in Milano and its surroundings to take advantage of this opportunity to visit Rwanda’s pavilion.

Nukwami is representing Rwanda at the five-month exhibition.
Nukwami is showcasing eye-catching paintings.
Amb. Igor (left) witn Nukwami at his stand in Italy.
Amb. Igor and his wife touring different pavilions at the exhibition in Italy.
Visitors are impressed by Nukwami's paintings.
The entrance of the exhibition held in Italy.


