UoK has grown its programmes portfolio to 23 market-driven undergraduate and graduate academic programmes in the fields of Business Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Law, Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Computing, Education that have attracted students from 32 countries including Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, USA, Liberia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Haiti among others and provided quality labour for different private and public-sector employers locally and internationally.

The University has highly-qualified academic staff with international exposure. 38% of UoK’s academic staff are PhD-holders, Associate Professors and Full Professors who facilitate the university’s consistent maintenance of high academic standards and quality service-delivery to all stakeholders.

Since August 2016, UoK has consistently increased the number of students registering to study professional courses at the university. This growth is as a result of the high standards that the University implements in providing tuition to students. The university has adequate, competent and high-quality teaching staff with international experience in delivering professional courses.
The University also provides study notes and past examination question banks to all students registered for professional courses. Additionally, UoK offers 100% discount on tuition fees to all internal undergraduate and graduate students pursuing professional programmes.
The University is also an accredited tuition provider of professional programmes such as CPA (R), CPA (K), CAT, ICDL, etc. As a result of the standards implemented, UoK has consistently delivered pass rates which are above the national pass rates in exams over the last 10 examination sittings. This high pass rates are a major contributor to the increase in the enrollment of students pursuing professional programmes.

As at August 2023, UoK had produced 83 CPA finalists who have completed CPA (R) qualification out of 390 students nationwide, thereby contributing to 21.3% of the CPA (R) qualified professionals nationally. The University in partnership with the Government of Rwanda has also been offering Certified Public Accounting (CPA) and Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) training to all Government Accountants and Internal Auditors.
From August 2016 to date, the programme has attracted over 3,000 Government Staff. Apart from the certification, it is proven that all the staff who have gone through the tuition process have had a significant increase in productivity and the country has benefited tremendously.

UoK is committed to enhancing training, professionalism and capacity-building across all Public Financial Management (PFM) disciplines identified by the Government of Rwanda as one of the main factors which may negatively impact the sustainability of the NST1 if the overall level of capacity in PFM skills and knowledge across government is not adequately addressed. It has been indicated that the number and qualifications of existing accountants and internal auditors is not enough to cope with the current and future requirements of the PFM system, which is critical in the case of central government entities (ministries, departments and agencies).
Currently the public service (Government) is in need of 7,800 professionally-qualified accountants, yet as at August 2023, only a total of 390 persons had completed training as professionally-qualified accountants; leaving a huge deficit of 7,450 which needs to be filled as soon as possible.

Consequently, the University is fostering valuable partnerships with relevant stakeholders to continuously ensure that this huge deficit is filled and therefore encourage all and sundry to register for professional education at University of Kigali. Registration for January 2024 admissions is open for professional programmes, while the September 2023 Intake for undergraduate and graduate admissions is still open.
Apply online via: mis.uok.ac.rw/apply or Call: +250 781 833 731 for professional programme admissions and +250 788 303 386/ +250 789 009 221 for undergraduate and graduate programme admissions.

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