Mukuralinda made the disclosure on RTV while discussing the Rwandan government’s position on a statement from the U.S. State Department that accused Rwandan forces of firing on the Mugunga camp in Goma town.
He explained that the American stance aligns closely with that of the DRC government and is unfounded.
He said, “This narrative has been promoted by the Congolese Government, where leadership from the President of the Republic to all others deflects all issues onto the Rwandan Government or the Government of Rwanda.”
Leaders from the East African Community (EAC) and the Great Lakes region have decided that the DRC government should negotiate with armed groups like M23, but following President Félix Tshisekedi’s visit to these countries on another continent, it became clear that they support his resistance.
Mukuralinda criticized these distant countries for siding with the DRC and attributing its problems to Rwanda, noting that they lack a basis for their stance and do not understand the issues as well as those in the region because they feel the impact directly.
He said, “In these countries he visits, the different organizations seem to take sides like the Government of Congo, and they seem to speak in unison which is regrettable because those thousands of kilometers away do not understand or comprehend the issue unfolding at the doorstep of their countries, affecting the borders of their countries better than those here in the region. Those far away do not understand the situation better than those here.”
The Government of Rwanda has called for a credible investigation into the attack on the Mugunga camp to determine the truth about who was responsible.
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